Felix Wechsler, born 1995 in Germany
2023 - ongoing: PhD student at EPFL, Laboratory of Applied Photonics Devices led by Christophe Moser
2021: Visiting Scientist at Duke University in the lab of Roarke Horstmeyer
2019 - 2021: Master's degree in Photonics at Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Master's thesis is about a kaleidoscopic multiview microscope at the Microscopy department of the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology in Jena and K|Lens GmbH under the joint supervision of Rainer Heintzmann and Ivo Ihrke
2014 - 2019: Bachelor's degree in Physics at Technical University of Munich
Thesis was about theoretical and experimental Schlieren and Shadowgraphy Imaging studies at the Max Planck Institute for Physics in preparation for the next generation AWAKE accelerator
2015 - 2019: Bachelor's degree in Informatics at Technical University of Munich
Thesis topic was Light Field Microscopy at the Computational Imaging and Inverse Problems research group.
2021 - 2022: Research fellow at the IPHT Jena in the Bio-Nanoimaging group of Prof. Rainer Heintzmann
2021: Collaboration with Ramona Optics
2020 - 2021: Working student microsystems engineer at K|Lens
2019 - 2020: Working student in the field of machine learning at ICO-LUX
2019 - 2019: Working student Max Planck Institute for Physics
2014 - 2017: Supervisor of the German team at the International Young Physicists' Tournament (IYPT)
My part was to organize the GYPT and train pupils for the IYPT.
2014 - 2016: Working student at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Garching
2025: Course Instructor Is there a planet B? at Deutsche Schülerakademie
2024, 2025: Teaching assistant for Computational Optical Imaging with Demetri Psaltis
2024: Teaching assistant for Lasers: theory and modern applications
2022, 2023: Course Instructor Deep Recyling - Deep Learning for Trash Detection at Deutsche Schülerakademie
Summer Term 2023: Teaching assistant for Propriétés optiques
Winter Term 2021/22: Teaching assistant for newly created course "Imaging Processing for Microscopy with Julia"
2017 - 2019: Teaching assistant (Functional Programming and Verification; Basic Lab Course)
2019: Course Instructor to teach Haskell to grammar school students at Deutsche Junior Akademie
2012 - today: Preparing students for the Physics Olympiad (Orpheus e.V.)
2014 - 2017: Preparing students for the International Young Physicists' Tournament
2024: Best teaching award at STI engineering school at EPFL
2023: Best poster in the lecture "Science of Climate Change"
2023: EPFL EDPO Photonic Day. Best poster award. Second prize lightning talk.
2022: Applied Photonics Award (2000€) for the best master thesis.
2022: Award for the best master thesis at Leibniz IPHT (500€).
2022: Faculty Award for the best master thesis at University of Jena (1000€).
2021 - 2024: Max Planck School of Photonics: Full Research PhD Position
2021: Deutschlandstipendium with partial funding of the Carl Zeiss Foundation
2020 - 2021: Honours Programme of the University of Jena
Research grant (2.000€) for an optical inverse modeling framework. Awarded by the Friedrich Schiller University to only 0.4% of the students.
2019 - 2020: Thüringen Scholarship
2014, 2016: Gold and silver medals at the IYPT as team captain and team leader
2012 - 2014: Several awards at the national level of the physics and mathematics olympiad
2014: Schülerpreis of the German Physical Society
awarded to only 10 pupils each year
2024 - today: PhD representative at the EPFL Photonics PhD program (EDPO)
2023 - 2025: Member of the EPFL EPC OPTICA SPIE Chapter
2021 - 2023: Treasurer and Vice-President at the OPTICA SPIE Student Chapter Jena
2019 - 2023: Chairman of the Orpheus e.V.
Responsible for managing the society and organizing seminars about physics with 200 participants
Acquired >300.000€ in funding for organizing seminar for pupils
2014 - today: Supervisor and Juror at the GYPT
Organizer of the German selection tournament and team leader. Guiding pupils during preparation. Support as juror in regional and final stages
2014 - 2019: Student Council, member of the department council, speaker of physics and computer science year
Highest student representative in the department of Informatics representing >5000 students